
Coding for mothers in Zurich (Mondays)

Are you a mother who wants to get into the IT field and you have no previous experience and you don’t know where to start from and what to learn?

I would like to introduce you to programming. I am a software engineer since 2007. And I am mother of 2 children so I understand the needs, frustrations and problems of a mother willing to work while being the main caregiver of her children.

First of all, I would like to let you know, that your child can come along! No matter he is a baby or an older child. We will be working in small groups, children can play together (or you may wear him in a babywearing system). There will be a part of the room prepared for children.

Sure, you can come without your child, too. 🙂 And being a mother is not a compulsory requirement, however, you have to be open to learn in a group of mothers that may bring their children along.

What will we learn?

I will be teaching you some concepts in programming and shortly we will start putting these into practice and we will build a web application with its own database. You can choose what your application will do, we will integrate the concepts with your ideas. Each participant will build her own application (website).

We are working with Microsoft technologies (C# .NET and MS SQL Server). Although they are Microsoft technologies, you can use either Windows or MAC. On the client side, we will be using HTML and JavaScript.

What will you know at the end of the course?

You will get a good understanding of what programming means and what can be done through it.

You will be able to create a (web) application, a database and link them together. 

You will understand client server architecture.

You will then be able to continue on your own and tackle other challenges. After you get more in depth you can either work for your own or get a job in the field.

What do you have to bring along?

A laptop with Windows or MAC on which we will install a IDE (Integrated Development Environment), a database server and a database management software. I will help you with these installations.

Included in the price, after the course ends, I am offering you 2 individual sessions of 2h hours each that you can use up to 6 months from the date the course ends in which you can ask me to help you with your challenges, if you continued to develop on your own. When you have something you would like me to help you with, you can contact me and make appointments for these sessions!


The main language will be English but I can also explain in German whenever needed.






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Sep 16 2024


9:30 am - 11:30 pm


CHF 100.- per 2h session


GZ Schindlergut
Kronenstrasse 12, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland
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