
Jolly, the ambitious horse (hardcover)

Jolly, the ambitious horse is a book that aims to teach children coding concepts in a playful manner.
Children are encouraged to analyse the story and represent it through a visual diagram similar to a activity diagram used in computer programming.
Analytical thinking and the ability to have an overview help your child in problem solving.


This book contains a story for which children will create the diagram like the diagram of an algorithm or a computer program. By doing this, children will learn to transpose real events into an algorithm and they will develop their analytical thinking. And without even noticing, they will learn the main control structures of a programsequencesdecisions and loops.

Children will learn to create a visual schema of the story by following the instructions and using the cards provided in the book.

The story is about Jolly who is an ambitious horse that has a wish. He has to take on challenges and follow his heart. Jolly will have to work hard and make decisions. Will Jolly’s dream come true?

The book teaches basic concepts of algorithms to children from 5 to 12 years old.


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SKU ISBN 978-3-9525216-1-8

The book is in physical format (hardcover) and 2 additional files are sent electronically (symbols used in diagrams and cards with illustrations).