Coding Adventures
This is a special coding event that takes place at Cafe Rumi in Kilchberg!
Kids will be introduced in the world of coding in an exciting way. We will have fun programming characters in their adventures to travel and solve challenges.
The event is for kids between 5 and 10 years old and it is bilingual: English and German. There will be 2 sessions: from 5 PM and from 6 PM. Please, register for the session you wish your child to attend (only one session per child).
Registration is mandatory. Payment can be done with cash or TWINT to Roman (0764 21 23 82 – when you twint, please, specify the name of the kid and the event). Please wait for our confirmation email before payment.
At the event ScottieGo! game and the “Coding a Story: Jolly, the Ambitious Horse” book will be available for purchase.

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